

Inspirational, True Stories, Business and Entreprenuership , Travel, and Press and Media articles ...

Coaching a Blazing Trail

Over 3 days and 2 nights, 9 budding Entrepreneurs voluntarily paid to be coached by Major Shera. Aptly named 'Business Coaching Session with Major', it was more of a self-discovery journey for them than anything else. Within minutes of being placed in the HOT SEAT,...

CARING MOMS Chinese New Year Prosperity Bazaar 2020

KUALA LUMPUR, 21 JAN 2020: The birth of spring signifies the arrival of Chinese New Year and CARING MOMS gave many mothers and women a head start to a prosperous year ahead through its entrepreneurial platform. The CARING MOMS Chinese New Year Prosperity Bazaar 2020...

CARING MOMS Magical Christmas Bazaar 2019

KUALA LUMPUR, 7 DECEMBER 2019: A series of events leading to a Magical Christmas Celebration with CARING MOMS! The Christmas Yuletide at CARING MOMS saw a flurry of events taking place starting off with a potluck at Nandini's where the Finest from CARING MOMS feasted...

A New Beginning!

On the 25th of September, 2019, a day like any other, no one could predict how one mistake could change everything. Jobs for CARING MOMS Malaysia, one of the more successful Facebook pages, was deactivated and thousands of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were...

With Cake, there is no Butter place to be

Butter - that word is synonymous to a bountiful treasure of taste, creaminess, and all-round experience to better cooking. However, butter is noted to contain high levels of fat and calories. There are claims that butter can cause cholesterol levels to rise up, which...


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