
KUALA LUMPUR, 24 Feb 2020: CARING MOMS ACADEMY – ‘ Ahhhh, so that’s HOW to do FB Marketing n WhatsApp Business…’

A long-awaited session on both FB Marketing and WhatsApp Business, it was fully booked almost as soon it was launched. Divided into 2 separate sessions, FB Marketing and WhatsApp for Business the participants were given a brief insight into the two social media platforms and how they as entrepreneurs can use them to elevate their businesses to a higher level.

so that's HOW to do FB Marketing n WhatsApp Business
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FACEBOOK is a huge entity on its own and thus there is a lot to learn about it. Facebook Marketing itself requires a 2-day session for it to be fully understood. The trainer, Jasmine could only thus run through the gist of what is behind Facebook Marketing. This did not augur well for some of the participants as they have had no prior experience while some were familiar and yet others had their unspoken questions answered. It must be made clear that this session was meant to provide just an insight into the world of Facebook Marketing and this was made clear to one and all that more sessions are needed. Smaller group sessions in which some hand-holding may be required for some. Nevertheless, a quick group presentation on how Facebook Marketing can be put into use was useful as it summarized some of the steps needed.

More importantly, the aim to trigger and nudge these entrepreneurs into exploring the world of Facebook Marketing was achieved as excited whispers were heard of organizing further smaller group sessions. Even the dinosaurs were awakened into action.

so that's HOW to do FB Marketing n WhatsApp Business
  • m.me/caringmoms.my
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The WhatsApp for Business was a hit with everyone. Every single one left with some new knowledge gained. The trainer could relate to the participants better. He did a walkthrough of every single step needed to set up a WhatsApp for Business account. He answered questions midway, placating the nervousness and anxiety of most of the participants. ‘Ahhhh… I didn’t know that!’ was heard throughout the room. Eyes lit up at the new insight of what can be achieved for their business by using the WhatsApp for Business platform. Some even excitedly logged onto their WhatsApp personal account attempting to immediately change to the business profile only to find out that they will lose all the previous messages in their WhatsApp personal account. A quick retract was done and a lesson learned, all in good faith.

In conclusion, the session achieved what it set out to do. Mindsets were changed, new insights were gained and despite some nervousness, these Entrepreneurs were subconsciously triggered towards the direction of elevating their business using Social Media.

Looking forward to more sessions like this, these Entrepreneurs are already asking for small group sessions and some even asked for personal sessions. As mentioned earlier, even the dinosaurs were awakened.


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