
Press and Media

Reigniting Our Commitment to Service and Empowerment

A Remarkable Courtesy Call with Brigadier General Dato Ts T. Azharan Bin T. Putra Azharan Putra Date: September 13, 2023 Venue: Royal Signal Regiment Directorate Reigniting Our Commitment to Service and Empowerment In the heart of the Royal Signal Regiment...

CARING MOMS’ Collaborative Journey

Empowering Entrepreneurs: CARING MOMS' Transformative Collaboration with Future Dream Training Academy and USM's Graduate Business School In the dynamic realm of entrepreneurship, CARING MOMS is continually breaking new ground in its mission to empower women...

A Resounding Success: The Launch of Our CARING Network

Date: September 2, 2023 In a world where digital connectivity is king, and community empowerment is essential, we are thrilled to announce the successful launch of our CARING NETWORK on September 2, 2023. This monumental event took place online, gathering members from...

Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: A Journey of Growth and Success

Introduction The world of entrepreneurship is an ever-evolving landscape, and in recent years, a remarkable shift has been occurring. Women entrepreneurs are stepping into the spotlight, breaking barriers, and making their mark on various industries. To foster this...

Unlocking New Training Horizons

Unlocking New Training Horizons: Major (Retired) Shera Ann Bosco Approved as a TTT Exempted Trainer by HRD Corp Introduction: It is with great pleasure and pride that we announce the recent approval of Major (Retired) Shera Ann Bosco as a TTT (Train the Trainer)...


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