
WeCare Merchant Membership


WeCare Merchants Products/Services Listing will be shown and updated on this website.

CARING MOMS has been known to be a trusted platform where buyers can confidently purchase products/services from registered sellers. In that trust, CARING MOMS has a strong buyer community throughout Malaysia.

Become a PREMIER MEMBER of WeCare Merchants Community and Experience

✅ Fully Sponsored Business Program with renowned Bank and University  for the First 50 Cardholders (Contact m.me/caringmoms.my)
✅  Increased sales through our WeCare Rewards Buyers
✅  Increased online visibility
✅  Increased brand awareness
✅  Strengthened relationship between  Merchant and Buyer in this pandemic environment

Who Can Participate?

✅  Any business whether you are a member here or not, or registered sellers or not.
✅  Any brick and mortar business that needs online visibility to generate more customers
✅  Restaurants, Cafes, Clinics, etc
✅  Any homebase business, or agent of any product.
✅  Basically any business

How We Advertise?

✅  Merchants will be featured on our landing page that will list their products and services and special discounts for cardholders.
✅  Subscribers who hold a card will view the discount listings on our landing page of our official website and contact you if they require your services or products.

Our promo merchant onboarding rates are
FOC for 2021
RM100 for 2022


✅  Enjoy Exclusive Discounts on Products and Services
✅  Enjoy Special Member Privileges with Participating Merchants.
✅  Enjoy Loyalty Benefits.

Subscription for members: Coming Soon.

  • Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png.

SKU: WeCare-Merchant-Membership Category: Tag:


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