CHILD’S ACTIVITY UPDATES TO PARENTS BY DAYCARE / PRE-SCHOOL / KINDERGARTEN CENTRE Center / Company InformationDaycare / Pre-School / KindergartenDay CarePre-SchoolKindergartenOthersChose the category of your center providing services for children in age group of 0 to 5 year oldCenter / company name*Website Center / Company PhoneCenter / Company Email* Procedure at your center to update parents about children DAILY*How do you update parents about their child's activities to parents on a DAILY basis? What are the expectations by parents?Personal Contact InformationName* First Last Designation / RelationMobile / Hand Phone*Email* * I confirm that all the above details are correct and I am authorised to share this information. CARING MOMS team or its representatives can contact me for further discussion in this regard. This iframe contains the logic required to handle Ajax powered Gravity Forms.